Monday, January 09, 2006

New Content

A few new original programs on the web:

Howard Stern has a new broadband show to promote his switch to Sirius Radio (he starts today). The spine of the show is a 3-D 360 degree tour of the new studio. You can click on a variety of spots in the room, and it will transport you into a different area of the studio. Each time you make one of these moves, a short fast loading flash video plays (usually a girl dressed in a bikini ushering you to the next room, to the tune of some profane songs - gotta love Howard!). Along the side are 4 separate video episodes. In order to see these, you have to "pass it on" - forward the site to your friends. One friend for each video.

It goes without saying, but what I find interesting about this show is- a) it integrates interactivity with the 3-D spine - and actually uses interactivity to drive the show) and b) it intergrates new distribution methods with the viral "pass it on" strategy.

The FX show Nip/Tuck launched a myspace page for their mysterious villain in advance of the season finally, which revealed his identity. Thousands of myspacers joined up to read about "the carver" in his own words, and to exchange messages with the writers, who were given free reign to create the site.

The content here is highly interactive, and capitalizes on the popularity of social sharing on the web. The myspace site also fosters an interplay between broadband audience and television audience.

Finally, Comedy Central has announced 8 new web-only shows for their Motherload broadband channel. Comedy Central is a MTVN property, and this is yet another example of their commitment to developing a broadband audience.


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