Saturday, October 28, 2006

A day late and a dollar short

whew. Just finished week two of Wallstrip, and I'm exhausted.

More importantly, my blog's been neglected. Time to correct that... Here's my favorite Wallstrip so far:

It's been tremendous fun to launch this project - to watch viewers get introduced to the show, and then to watch them get used to it.

The first few days, the comments and feedback we got was like criticism of a movie. Every episode was treated like it's own "thing" and evaluated that way.

Around day three or four (Chipotle burrito making contest or Adobe Flasher) the show began to develop an identity. "Lindsay's starting to get more comfortable" "You guys are finding a rhythm" - (this, of course, in addition to "this sucks" "you guys suck" etc, etc).

While shows 3 and 4 were stronger than shows 1 and 2, they were shot simultaneously. Lindsay was no more comfortable in the studio doing Thursday's show than she was doing Monday's show, because we shot all the studio stuff for the first week on the same day.

The comments were evidence of something else - people started getting used to the idea of Wallstrip. The identity of the show began to emerge.

It's a self-fulfilling prophecy, of course. As viewers perceive the show, their perceptions shape the identity of Wallstrip in our minds as creators, and the show evolves to meet (or contradict) the expectations of our audience.

It's exciting to be a part of a project that is so fundamentally interactive. When Jeff and I upload a show, we have a preconceived notion of what the general reaction will be. By 7:30am, I can go to the web and see if we were right. And learn about the audience. And learn about my show.

When you say interactive, a lot of people think about direct involvement - the audience can comment on the show, submit topics, etc. Sure, that's an element of the project. But what really makes it interactive is the instantaneous nature of the web. It's the fact that I can go to technorati and see how many people link to us today based on the episode we offered up. I can see how our download rate changed, how many people on You Tube checked us out, how many people tagged the episode in

Everyday we drop a pebble in the pond and we get to see all the ripples. That's pretty cool.


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